Why moissanite jewelry is popular

Diamonds have been one of the most sought after gemstones in the world for centuries and are still a favorite for engagement rings today. However, moissanite, a gemstone very similar to diamond, has become one of the most popular substitutes for diamonds.
Moissanite is a natural and laboratory-grown mineral composed of silicon carbide. It is rare in nature, although some have been found in meteorites and upper mantle rocks. Available data indicate that moissanite occurs naturally in inclusions, inclusions within inclusions, and inclusions within inclusions.
The Gemological Society of America describes moissanite as being normally lab-grown, with minimal environmental impact. Available in a variety of shapes, this durable gemstone offers jewelry designers plenty of options for engagement rings and other pieces of jewelry.
According to realtimecampaign.com, diamond mining has wreaked havoc on the environment in some areas, causing severe damage to water sources and land. It also leads to deforestation and soil erosion, forcing communities to relocate.
Moissanite is more environmentally friendly and more ethically sourced than many diamonds. Lab-grown does not require mining and has a low carbon footprint since no machines are required to dig. Its production does not affect any ecosystems, making moissanite an ethical and sustainable alternative to diamonds.
When buying moissanite, consider variety and brightness. These factors distinguish gemstones from diamonds and similar gemstones. No matter what style draws attention, nothing beats seeing an unusual gem in person. Each stone has the same strength, luster and hardness, but color may vary.
Colors are assigned ratings. For example, you can choose DEF to stay colorless forever, GH to stay almost colorless forever, or HI spar. Colorless gems are the whitest, while almost colorless gems have a yellowish tint. The shade of Forever Brilliant Moissanite is bright yellow.
Today, many jewelry buyers prefer moissanite to diamonds. Moissanite is lab grown, environmentally friendly and virtually indistinguishable from diamond. They are available in a variety of colors and are cheaper than diamonds.


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Post time: May-13-2023